Dalwood Fayre 10K(ish) & 3K(ish)
Join Ruby Red Running for a beautiful run through the Blackdown Hills. With two challenging but stunning routes to choose from, everyone is encouraged to come and explore this area of outstanding natural beauty. All runners will be rewarded with a yummy treat at the finish line.
Event Details

Entry on the day for both courses will be available. Please make your way to the village hall for both entry on the day and pre-entered Bib collection.
There are toilets at the village hall
Bags can be left in the village hall at your own risk
8.45: Parking opens (please do not arrive before this)
8.45: Registration opens
9.30: Entry on the day closes
9.45: Pre-entry bib collection closes
10.00: Dalwood 10K(ish) starts
10.05: Dalwood 3K(ish) starts
10.40(ish): First finisher on the 10K(ish)
12.00 Courses close
By its nature, trail running comes with some degree of risk, but thats part of the fun. During this event we will do our best to give you plenty of...
Mud (slippery and doesn't taste great if face plant in it).
River crossings (good for getting mud off, not good for breathing)
Trip hazards such as roots & stones (especially dangerous when combined with gravity and forward motion)
Hills (better than rivers, but still not good for breathing!)
Road crossings (mainly used by horses and tractors in these parts)
In all seriousness, the course is marked for navigation purposes, there will be marshals at road crossings but it is still your responsibility to ensure it is safe to cross.
What if I get injured and/or can't finish the course?
If you are unable to complete the course then please notify a marshal and ensure that you return to race HQ and let the finish team know you are back before leaving the event.
Please support other runners on the course, if there is an injury that needs medical attention then please provide help and notify the nearest marshals who will be able to contact the medical team.
Dalwood Fayre 10K(ish) & 3K(ish) Results
Event Gallery
Coming soon....